Remote Disability Awareness Training Programme.
Ability Focus are delighted to announce the launch of our Remote Disability Awareness Training Programme.
Remote or online Disability Awareness training is when the trainer facilitates a training session with a dispersed workforce who are at a number of different locations. This contrasts with the traditional means of training, where the trainer facilitates a disability awareness training session with all participants attending on site.
How we work and how we train has changed dramatically in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. For the next few months, businesses of all sizes throughout Ireland will operate remotely, where possible. This sudden, sharp change to how we operate directly affects all aspects of business, including training.
At this point in time, the traditional method of on-site training is not viable. This will change over the next few months as business returns to the new normal. And when it does, Ability Focus looks forward to engaging participants in person once more through our half day and full day Disability Awareness training programmes. But until then, online Disability Awareness training is an excellent off-site option for organisations looking to train staff while working from home.
For businesses who are considering training staff over the next few months there are several benefits to remote Disability Awareness training.
Ability Focus has divided our half day Disability Awareness training programme into four separate one-hour online training sessions. These sessions will be delivered at a times agreed in advance with the employer. Separating the training programme into four stand alone sessions gives participants more flexibility, which is paramount when working from home.
What does this programme cover?
The Ability Focus Remote Disability Awareness training programme is extremely cost efficient, time efficient and gives a comprehensive overview of disability through an informative and engaging programme.
It addresses myths and misconceptions that employers and employees may have around disability. Topics covered include statistics relating to disability, types of disabilities, myths and assumptions, legislation, disability etiquette, barriers for people with disabilities, accessibility, discrimination, government grants and creating an inclusive society. Participants will also learn about the topic of reasonable accommodation, its relevance to employers and importance in Irish law.
On completion of this programme, participants will have a strong foundation Disability Awareness. Participants will also have greater confidence and knowledge when engaging people with disabilities, both as service users and work colleagues.
If you are interested in finding out more about remote disability awareness training for your organisation you can email or call (01) 699 1150.